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The Miracle of Reiki: What Are the Remarkable Benefits?

Reiki Healing

There are many skeptics, critics and non-believers out there that think what I do is a bunch of nonsense with no apparent benefit. Yet, case after case has shown that Reiki not only improves many health conditions, it has been known to be a part of a long term cure for stress and stress related diseases. To fully grasp how it can benefit you and your health, it is first important to understand how and why it works.

Discovered in 1922 by Mikao Usui Sensei, Reiki is 'laying of hands' healing process which clears the lifeforce that supports the body of any blockages allowing healing to take place naturally. The word Reiki is a combination of the Japanese and Chinese word characters “Rei” meaning spiritual or supernatural and “ki” meaning vital energy. The lifeforce flows through the body through charkras, meridians and nadis. When any of these are disrupted, it affects the body adversely and illness or injury can occur.

A trained Reiki Master or practitioner can help you clear out these disruptions in your lifeforce by channeling positive energy from the universe into your lifeforce, allowing you to be filled with clean, fresh energy. This opens up your lifeforce to begin it's own healing process. The human body is an incredible piece of biokinetic machinery in that it has so many miraculous capabilities, it just needs the freedom to work uninhibited by bloackages.

The most startling story I can share with you is actually my own. I had a cancerous growth on the roof of my mouth and my ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) doctor was advising me on treatment. To help the healing process, Morgana Starr and Daena Deva performed Reiki healing sessions on me. In 4 sessions, the growth was gone, baffling my ENT doctor completely.

Reiki can benefit you in so many ways. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, sing up for a session today and see how it helps your overall physical and spiritual health.

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