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Paddle Board Yoga

Paddle Board Yoga is a fun way to explore yoga in a new atmosphere… in the water to be exact.

So, What Exactly is Ayurveda?

The Heart of Ayurveda Ayurveda is a traditional medicine system that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is considered the...

Manifest Happiness

In order to manifest happiness, you need to first be clear on what makes you happy. Gabriel Union told an eye-opening story on Red Table...

Introduction to the Chakras

The Chakras are aligned on a wheel imagined to be filled with beautiful colors. The wheel runs through the base of the spine all the way...

A Culture of Quiet

Have you ever heard someone say that silence is steeped in wisdom, and perhaps that if you listen closely, you might hear an entirely new...

Use Taurus Season for Your Benefit

The words that come to mind when mentioning a Taurus are: dependable, loyal, hardworking, materialistic, stubborn and lazy. Taurus season...

How Yoga Benefits Your Sex Life

Yoga and sex are ways to you to connect with your body. Yoga is a way to connect with yourself, and sex is a way to connect with yourself...

Best Tips for Manifesting Desires!

Calling energy into your space is a wonderful practice, though it does take some time to learn how best to cultivate your dreams into a...

Energy Healing During Kapha Season

As spring drips into our days, as does Kapha Season (in the Northern Hemisphere). Kapha, a dosa within Ayurveda, begins as wet, cool, and...

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