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New Moon in Aries: What can you expect?

Male aries.

We’ve settled into the Aries Sun season, and just when we feel we’ve gotten used to the speed, the Aries New Moon graces us with one more extra push. Aries is the sign of leadership, loving yourself and confidence. New Moons come along to strengthen our intentions, therefore, you need to be clear about what you want. During this moon cycle, it would be ideal to set your intentions on becoming a confident leader.

Aries New Moon Journaling Topics:

1. What are your strengths when it comes to leading? Are you good at getting a plan together? Delegating assignments to match people’s personalities? Or, are you a motivator, that helps people perform their best? Name 5 of your leadership strengths and don’t be shy.

2. When do you feel most confident? What can you do more of to build that confidence?

3. How can you trust yourself more? Write it out “when I make a promise to myself, I will keep it.” Then write out three solid but attainable promises to yourself. Follow up on these promises. Set the dates, add reminders on your phone, do the work. Don’t let yourself down.

4. Write a Mantra. Write a powerful and meaningful sentence… or a few that you can repeat every day. For example, “Every moment has led up to this moment. I will make sure that it was all worth it.”

Aries New Moon Yoga Suggestions

Since one of the qualities of an Aries is confidence, here are poses that focus on the solar plexus, the chakra of confidence.

The Solar Plexus is located at the navel, so we’ll perform poses that target that area.

Half Moon Pose: Stand tall with the legs slightly apart and toes pointed forwards. With a deep inhale, lift your arms up and over the head to meet the palms. Squeeze arms towards the head as you exhale to lean to the right, arching the body to the side and pushing the left hip out. Hold for 3 deep breaths. On an inhale return to the center, reaching high and exhale to the left and push the right hip out as you bend to the side. Inhale back to center, exhale to swan dive down (arms spread wide as you fold). While folding, bend your knees and hang heavy like a rage doll.

Supine Spinal Twist: My favorite!! Lay on your back bringing both knees into your chest. Hug the knees in tight for a breath and then release the left leg long onto the floor. Continue to squeeze the right knee into your chest and place the right arm in half of a T to the side. Cross your right knee over the body, while keeping the right shoulder glued onto the ground. Breathe deeply into where your back and stomach are twisting. Hold for several long breaths on each side.

Cobra/Upward Dog: Lay flat on your stomach with your hands beside the top of the ribs and he palms on the ground. Squeeze your elbows into your sides and inhale to lift your chest off the ground. Start low. Relax your shoulders away from the ears, make sure you neck is long. Repeat and lift more and more, by straightening out the arms more each time. Keep your chest up and forward with confidence.

Meditation Suggestion

Find a comfortable seat or lay down, but don’t fall asleep. Set your timer at 5 mins if you’re a beginner, or 20 mins if you have been practicing meditation. Shortening the time for beginners will help you stay awake and get the full benefit of the meditation.

Close your eyes and start to inhale counting down from 4, then counting up to 6. Get into a flow of this breath. Count 10 breaths before beginning the visualization.

Visualize your self in a place where you wish you had more confidence. Imagine that you have the confidence that you’ve always wanted in this situation. What would you be standing or sitting like? What would your facial expressions look like? What would you wear? What would you sound like?

Take the rest of the time mapping out the details of your most confident self in this situation.

Everyone has a leader inside of them. Even if you’re a leader of how to be a follower, you can still do that with confidence. Use this New Moon to reflect on how you’ve been a leader in the past, where you’ve been confident in the past, and use that energy of setting brand new confidently you, intentions!

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