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Which Intuition Channel Works Best For You?

Updated: May 2, 2019

Woman holding herself

The quickest way to use your intuition effectively is to find your most sensitive channel.

It is the sense that is most prominent in your life. The one you are most in tune with. Before we start, you need to recognize thinking as a “sense”. Many ancient cultures treated thinking as the sixth sense. This day, science recognized that we are not “thinking” our thoughts. We are merely receiving them like an antenna receives radio signals. Meaning - a thought is the incoming information from the sense of thinking. Just like a scent is for the sense of smell.

With me so far?

So, here are the modalities to consider: vision, hearing, vibration (bodily feelings), thought, taste and smell.

Vision: While in meditation, during sleep or daydreaming, have you ever had a vision? Like you would watch a movie or slides changing?

Did you show you something you wanted to create in your life? Change? Move towards? Did it come back to you repeatedly? Or did it give you an answer to a question you help consciously or unconsciously in your mind?

Maybe it was connected to a real situation in your life? (future or present)

Hearing: In silence, can you sometimes someone talk or knock and the door? And when you check it, there is no one there?

Or in noise, do you seem to pick up sounds that don’t fit? A voice? Something “too clear”?Maybe you experience a whispering voice that helps you? “Don’t go outside” it says, and after you leave you notice you don’t have your wallet? You are humming a song and it turns out that the words contain an answer to a question that rankled you the whole day?

90% of people will have an intuitive affinity with those two.

So, even if you don’t feel you discovered the main channel for you, vision & hearing is still worth exploring. The ultimate goal with intuition is to “simply know”. So, don’t shy away from exploring all sources of knowledge!

Now, we will explore questions that will help you understand if vibration (feeling), smell, taste or thought are your main channels.

Vibration (feeling): Do you ever feel cold or “stickiness” on your skin? Like you were covered in cold sweat? Ever had a feeling someone tapped your shoulder but there was nobody there?

Maybe you feel constricted in the solar plexus in reaction to places, thoughts or people? Or, on the contrary, like you have “bottled enthusiasm” there that wants to come out? Do you feel emotions of animals or other people very clearly?

Smell: Ever had a a situation where you scent someone’s perfumes and they call you a minute later?

Or felt repelled by someone’s smell even when nobody else seemed to be bothered? Is smell a big deal when eating or viewing an appartment? Do you seem to pick up smells that others haven’t?

Taste: Is it common for you to have a “bad” or “good” taste in your mouth after meeting someone? Buying something? Thinking?

Is it easy for you to bond with people over food? Describe food easily and in detail?

Thought: Do you think clearly? Is it easy for you to pick up specific thought’s in mind’s chatter?

Can you focus for a long time on one task? Or meditate easily? Do you often times feel compelled to note a thought down?

Language as a tool of recognition

If you are still unsure which channel is the one for you, notice your language. If you can, record how you speak for a day or two. Would you rather say “I hear ya” or “I see”? “I thought it might happen” or “I felt it might happen”? It will reveal clues to what is your main style. When you understand your language, it is time to use it to help your intuition. Make it more palatable!

For example, if your channel is taste, you would compare people or situations to flavors.

You know not to trust someone if they “taste” like a sour, rotten egg! And even if you would associate them with a fresh strawberry, it may be just too weird to tell them that.

To start your practice, try to make decisions based on that sense. You don’t have to start with major life-changes! If you are going out, try to use your channel to choose between restaurants. Or movies to go to. Then, note down if they guided you correctly - did you enjoy the food and the movie? Now, the first sense is just the beginning. It is the low-hanging fruit. When you master it, you might practice another. And another.

Until you arrive at a point where you “simply know”. A point of mastering intuition.

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