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What Rare Inner Gift Is Awakening Within You?

Updated: May 2, 2019

Emotional Woman.

So often people go through life numb to their inner gifts. Society dictates what is normal and we live within the realm of acceptability with brave moments of showing our genuine self to friends or our loved ones. It is like we have a veil over us which we are unable to see through clearly. Don Miguel Ruiz refers to this in his book The Four Agreements and calls it 'the dream'.

Instead of living in this fog, we should be celebrating the rare inner gifts within us and honing our skills for the betterment of humanity. This doesn't mean that you should shout from the rooftops that you discovered you are a psychic, but certainly it would be a tragedy to hide your gift. What are some of the different gifts that you could be harboring? Let's take a look at the most common and some of the ways you can determine if perhaps you have a rare gift awakening within you.



Clairvoyants, better known as psychics are people who are able to receive information in a manner beyond normal sensory methods. Basically, they receive intuitive information visually. This does not mean they see the future in their minds similar to how you and I watch movies. There are many ways clairvoyants can receive their information – as images, movies, even just objects.

Here are some of the signs you may be a clairvoyant:

1. You may crave healthier foods – when you are connecting to the divine, or 'source' of the energy, you feel lightness. It isn't surprising you would be reaching for a salad over the potato chips if you are sensing an inner awakening.

2. When you have physical contact with someone, you have images flash in your mind's eye. These images could be related to something that is coming up for them and the images are designed to represent that to you so that you can communicate it to them.

3. Frequent or vivid dream can also be a sign your are coming into a gift of clairvoyance. When we sleep, our subconscious is able to rise to the surface and those dreams could be a sign that you are receiving messages from universe.

While clairvoyants receive messages visually, there are also clairaudience (hearing messages), clairsentience (feeling/sensing) and claircognizance (gut feeling/knowing). Which one are you?



Another gift is empathy... yes, we all feel empathy at some point in our lives but to be an actual empath is feeling the emotions of people around you as if they are your own. It can seem impossible to separate your own feelings from those of others around you. Also, you may find it difficult to intellectualize your emotions.

Some signs you may be an empath:

1. You are a highly sensitive person. Even the slightest negative feeling in your proximity sends you fleeing. Imagine you are a radar for emotions and when negative ones are present, you immediately feel it.

2. You crave alone time, if only just to feel your own authentic emotions. Experiencing all these emotions can be draining so taking some alone time can recharge your battery and help you practice creating mental shields for yourself.

3. You are an introvert or find yourself becoming an introvert. Crowds are overwhelming to an introvert as the wave of emotions can be powerful and often too much to handle. Even extroverted empaths can only spend limited times in crowds.

4. Empaths have a unique gift because feeling the emotion someone else is carrying can help them understand the others perspective. It also makes you like an automatic lie detector – you can feel a lie and seek the truth unlike anyone else.


Black woman reading.


When you hear the word 'medium', you may think it is related to artwork or communication but in our context, it means someone who connects with the spirit realm. They also have all the abilities to see the past, present and future through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. The talent is very much all encompassing, and those who have it tend to be very powerful.

Here are some signs you may be a medium:

1. As a child, you may have had a fear of the dark. Even if you were unaware of your gifts at a young age, you may have seen or heard spirits which would lead to a fear of being alone in the dark and quiet of bedtime.

2. Being sensitive to energy is another sign, like when someone walks in a room behind you and you can sense their presence even if they don't make a noise. You may also sense spirits in an empty room, even if you can't hear or see them.

3. Have you ever blurted out something and didn't know where it came from? Also, if you have experienced things like your 'inner voice' yelling NO or STOP, you could be receiving messages from the other side.

4. Mediums are very sensitive to all forms of energy, to the point where some people (even family) call them crazy. You are not crazy! Embrace your gift and work with it so that you can achieve the destiny you were meant for in this life.



Depending on which belief you subscribe to, lightworkers volunteer before birth or are chosen as healers. Their goal is to heal all the Earth's beings, beginning with themselves and working outward. Because of the focus on material things here on Earth, true lightworkers can have a form of amnesia, forgetting their chosen path.

Here is how you can tell if you are a lightworker:

1. You feel the urge to heal others. This could surface as a desire to be in the medical community or through the spiritual. You are seek wholeness in yourself and others.

2. You want to heal the injustices in the world, environmentally and socially. Your wish is to see all life live harmoniously.

3. You have a desire to teach all that you know spiritually on healing and creating a better world. You could be a spiritual leader or desire to counsel others in trouble.

If you find yourself relating to one or more of these gifts, please feel free to contact me about discussing your potential further. I am more than happy to assist you in understanding your gift and the best way to harness your inner power. You are not crazy and no matter what others tell you, you are a rare and special being who can embrace the blessing you have been given without fear or shame.

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