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Use Taurus Season for Your Benefit

Taurus Male

The words that come to mind when mentioning a Taurus are: dependable, loyal, hardworking, materialistic, stubborn and lazy. Taurus season starts on 4/20 and ends on 5/20. So how can your zodiac use this season to its benefit and move with the Taurus energy rather than against it? At Ayurvedaki we’re here to help you move through this fixed earth energy.

Uranus in Taurus

First off, Uranus moved into Taurus back in the beginning of March. This planet of change has made Taurus move a lot faster than usual. Any sign is probably feeling the shift and the urge to get things moving because of this. Taurus season with Uranus in Taurus can make those more stable parts in life not feel as stable. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For a lot of us, we’ll be pushed to find a new version of stability. Something only Uranus in Taurus could push us to do.

Taurus Season Practices:

1. Work Hard

Whatever it is that your going for right now, put in the work. Taurus build stability by putting in the work. People often see the product of Taurus’ hard work, but don’t particularly notice how much they think through it, plan it, research it and put in the action. Take on this mentality during Taurus season to get ahead.

2. Have Some Sensual Time

First for yourself. Take a bath with candles, buy things that smell good and feel good to the touch. Listen to music that makes you want to dance or lie down with your eyes close daydreaming. Do simple things that make you feel good. The reason why Taurus can endure is because they don’t forget to feel good in the process. Taurus may overwork but they also over relax too. Second, for you and your partner. Create that time to feel each other on a deeper level. To touch, to share music, to be gentle and kind, to understand each other’s needs.

3. Eat Good Food

Any one who knows a Taurus knows they love to eat. Take time to prepare food with love and healthy ingredients. Learn new dishes, try new ingredients. Cook for yourself and others. Develop a love for food and its process. If it’s in the budget, try a new restaurant that you’ve never been to, and order something you normally wouldn’t order. Explore food. It opens your eyes and taste buds to new parts of the world. It’s the way to your own heart and the hearts of others.

4. Stand your Ground

Taurus are the stubborn sign of the zodiac, sometimes to a fault, but a lot of the times, they just know what they want and don’t feel the need or desire to compromise that. If you want something this season, don’t stop until you get it. If someone wants you to do something that you’re not interested in, then don’t do it (unless your obligated of course). Don’t make compromises that go against who you are, what you want, and who you want to be. Compromises are great for the right reasons but stand your ground and dig in the hooves otherwise.

Taurus are a sign that knows what they want and go for it. Taking on this mentality during Taurus season will have you making strides, relaxing in a beautiful scented room, with filet mignon for dinner. We hope you enjoy this sensual, hardworking season.

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