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What Does Your Moon Sign Say About You?

Updated: May 9, 2019

Woman in front of a moon.

Our moon signs are an important part of our natal chart. Usually while looking at our birth charts, we would first look into our sun sign, and then follow up with our moon sign. Our moon sign is described in the same way the sun sign is, but instead of the description telling us about who we’re becoming or have grown to be, our moon sign goes deeper.

The Deeper You

Our moon sign rules our emotions. This sign describes our subconscious, how we love and would liked to be love and can even boils down to our relationship with our mother. The moon changes sign every 2-3 days. So, while the sun can stay in a sign for around 30 days, the moon is ever changing. This is the reason why even though some people may be the same sun sign, they’ll most likely have differences in their personality. To find your moon sign, you will need to know the time you were born, as well as what city you were born in. There are several calculators for your moon sign on the internet. I would suggest:

How Does the Moon Effect the Sun?

Your moon sign can highlight and diminish certain aspect of your sun sign. Say you have a fire sun sign, but a water moon sign. Your aggressive fiery nature may be tamed by your watery moon. It is helpful to know your moon sign, especially if you feel that you don’t exactly match up with your sun sign. Once you have used the calculator to investigate your moon sign, Since moon signs are more about how you feel than how you act, the descriptions below should explain how your moon sign makes you feel, as well as how the ones closest to you are able to see you. 

Aries: Good at starting new adventures and new projects. Can have many great ideas, but can lack persistence. Energetic, enjoys sport and competition. Quick temper.

Taurus: Level headed. Strong beliefs based on tradition. Decisive. Hard to persuade.

Gemini: Intellectually creative. Likes to soak up knowledge whenever possible. Doesn’t realize how much they’ve processed something until they regurgitate it. 

Cancer: Strong emotions and sensitive when attacked. Believes in depth and sees people’s deeper motives. 

Leo: Prideful. Trusts their own opinion over everyone else’s. Good at giving motivating self reliant advice to others.  

Virgo: Wants things that they create to be absolutely perfect but have a hard time defining what perfect looks like. Is in search of true and perfect love but is okay with being a player up until they find it.

Libra: Indecisive with things that are quite simple. Good at highlighting the pros and cons of other people’s situations and decisions. Have a taste for the finer things and knows what looks right on their body and the bodies of others. 

Scorpio: Deeply emotional, but no one really knows. Likes to keep their life mysterious and not in clear view. Introspective and analytical.

Sagittarius: Want to travel and see the world. Can feel trapped if they are in one phase of their life too long. Creative. Good examples of how to be a great host and friend. 

Capricorn: Needs to feel useful. Like to put their life into their work. Can be domestic by working hard for their families. Shows love with financial support and working hard for the ones they love. 

Aquarius: Feels like the odd one out, but they’re okay with that. Attract people because of their confidence in living an eccentric lifestyle.

Pisces: Emotionally intelligent and can get along with anyone if they’re in the mood to. Expresses themselves in art form. Nurturer to people who need it most.

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