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Best Tips for Manifesting Desires!

Successful Asian Woman.

Calling energy into your space is a wonderful practice, though it does take some time to learn how best to cultivate your dreams into a physical reality. To manifest is to mindfully ask, with intention and clarity, the Universe to work with and guide you towards all you are imagining for yourself. Whether your daydreams are overflowing with a refreshed career path, a spacious living situation, or a wild adventure, manifestation can aid in those daydreams becoming grounded in your everyday life.

The word 'desire' can be sort of abstract. On a daily basis, you desire an abundance of things. In the morning, perhaps a latte or green juice. On a rainy afternoon, maybe you're hoping for the clouds to clear and the sun to peek through. Down the road, perhaps you're aching to get a trip to Bali or India scheduled. A part of the magic of manifestation is that you can call for anything - physical or energetic, a massive shift or a subtle change. If you are feeling called, intuitively, from your heart, for anything at all, trust in that and move from that space as you begin to shift your mind towards building such desire into the raw and real.

There are several ways you might begin to practice manifestation to draw all you desire towards you. To begin, familiarize yourself with The Law of Attraction. It's likely you've heard of this practice before as it's a sort of 'buzzword' nowadays, and rightfully so. The Law of Attraction is the idea that everything that runs through our minds, especially that which is repeated or focused on, will eventually become reality. This Law works wonders, when done right. Approach this technique gently, though, so as to honor the truth that not everything you put out into your space will be potent enough to aid in the work. Leave room for trial and error. From there, adjust as needed. Patience is necessary when you're initially coming to understand how manifestation works for you.

Affirmations are a lovely way to begin manifesting all you desire. Whether you are talking to yourself out loud (it's quite grounding, no shame) or etching down ideas in a journal, the Universe will hear you and eventually come to show up when the time is right. If you're going to speak affirmations out loud, it can be extremely potent if you gaze into a mirror and make eye contact with yourself. You could weave this practice into your morning routine and speak these words aloud each morning after you wash up. Typically, affirmations start with "I am" and will be filled with details on what you are in need of on a given day or during a season of life. Some lovely affirmations to cultivate realized desires could be:

I am worthy of all that I desire.

I vibrate in frequency with all I desire.

I am worthy of travels and adventures.

I am aligned with Source (Spirit) energy.

I am moving with the flow of all things.

I am calling for all that I am worthy of - abundance, joy, beauty, presence, and love - to enter my daily space.

I am grounded as I witness the unfolding of all my greatest dreams.

If you would rather not speak aloud, journaling affirmations and the more specific details of what you are desiring is just as great of a technique. If you'd like, you can get creative and sketch out all that you are imagining for yourself on a page. Keep a journal nearby when you practice yoga, meditation, or any mindfulness practice. From that space, jot down any visualizations or messages that come to you. As we have our phones with us most always, you might benefit from taking a picture of some of your journal pages and setting them as your phone background so as to have that gentle nudge whenever you glance at your lock screen.

The timing of things can often play into what you're desiring. Good news - there is really no wrong time to practice manifestation. Certain times of the year, though, are a bit more powerful than others for planting seeds that will soon to grow to be flourishing realities. Following the lunar cycles is a great way to get into a monthly routine of manifestation and intention setting. The waxing moon phase is the ideal time to begin to set your desires into motion, as the moon moves from a darkened state to full and glimmering in the night sky. By the time the full moon reaches its peak, some of your desires are likely finalized or wheels are beginning to turn to bring them closer to you. During seasonal shifts, as well, such as the Summer/Winter Solstice and Spring/Autumnal Equinox, you might feel called to set intentions for the initial weeks of a fresh season. Where we are now, having just processed the Spring Equinox, is a time of rebirth and renewal where bulbs planted in Autumn or Winter might begin to bud and blossom. While these bulbs that were planted prior come to life, Spring time is prime for planting entirely fresh seedlings, too.

Beyond the mystical elements of manifestation, and especially when it comes to calling for physical shifts, the actions you take on a daily basis can be just as important as the energy you send to the Universe. If you're planning a trip, the flights and accommodations can't book themselves. As you are practicing some of the techniques above, find physical action by engaging with others who might join you on your travels and track flights to find the best deals for your travel dates. Putting the energy and intention into your space is just the beginning. Ground your feet in the Earth, move about in your space, and show the Universe how strong your desires are. In turn, you'll likely begin to see serendipitous events and crystallized moments arrive in your world as your desires grow to be fully manifested into the here and the now.

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