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Manifest Luck In 7 Easy Steps

Updated: Apr 1, 2019

Drawing of woman in a wheelchair.

This St. Patrick's Day, you don't have to be Irish to gather up luck - or even a pot of gold for that matter!

No matter how many good luck spells you cast or talismans you make, you will not succeed in bringing luck into your life without doing some ground work first. So many people skip these steps and then wonder why their talisman isn't showering them with luck or abundance. You don't need a leprechaun or a four leaf clover to revel in the blessings of the universe.

First, the most important thing you can ever do in attracting luck is to define it. Be specific. Luck is different for everyone and though the universe will respond in the way that is best for you at that time in your life, it is essential that you ask yourself exactly what you want. Many people wish to improve finances, but for what purpose? Do you wish to take more vacations? Pay down your debt? Have 'enough'?

Step One: Write down as specifically as you can what it is that you want the end result to be.

The next step is the most frequently skipped step but arguably as important as the first step. Depending on what it is that you wish for, you need to be grateful for what you already have. This can be manifested in many ways from thank you notes, gratitude lists, or simple stating every morning and evening for what you are grateful. This is the big secret to all manifestations. Without being grateful, loving, and appreciative for what is already in your life, how does the universe know you wish more of it?

Step Two: Practice daily gratitude for what you already have. FEEL grateful in your heart.

Do you love to daydream? Picturing yourself on a sunny, tropical beach when the temperature is 10 degrees outside or maybe envisioning your next home with the extra bedroom and bathroom you long for is called visualization. Making this a regular practice can help you attract more luck. If you think you already have it, your mind and body attune to it.

Step Three: Visualize what it is that you wish for every night before bed. Fill yourself up with the feeling of already experiencing that new job or vacation.

Sometimes the weight of stress and anxiety can get the better of you and make it difficult to feel grateful or visualize the great things you wish to manifest in your life. Affirmations are a great method to change your inner thinking. Every morning as you get ready for the day, declare your affirmations to yourself in the mirror. I like to do this right after I brush my teeth, since I am right there at the mirror. If I wish to bring more money to help pay down debt, I would say something like, “Everyday my debt gets smaller and smaller.” or “Money comes easily to me.”

Step Four: Use affirmations as a tool to change your mindset.

If you wanted to lose weight and you cast a spell or performed a ritual to help you do this, would you go eat a box of chocolates afterwards? The same goes for abundance and luck. If you wish to bring more money into your life to allow yourself to travel the world, don't go on a spending spree to buy new clothes. Your actions must match your desire or else you are muddling your message to the universe.

Step Five: Match your actions to what you wish to manifest.

One of the best ways to manifest good luck into your life is to be of service to others. Ever hear the expression, “What goes around, comes around”? It couldn't be more true. If you want to bring more luck into your life, do good deeds for others. The mere joy you will receive from this will put your soul's vibrations on another frequency, one of happiness and love. This acts as a tuning fork for more good things.

Step Six: Do good deeds to increase your luck.

Some call it superstition, but Feng Shui is a powerful tool to shift your mindset and the flow of energy in your home. It is an

ancient Chinese art that is said to bring health, balance and luck to those who practice it. One of the principles is that clutter creates negative energy – just think of how well you work in a neat, organized space. It is the same when it comes to manifesting luck. Take a look around your home and see what you can do to declutter and create better energy flows.

Step Seven: Apply the art of Feng Shui to your home and your work spaces.

You don't need to be Irish to be lucky, just a laying some groundwork and incorporating easy daily practices can help you manifest more luck into your life today!

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