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How to Practice Gratitude to Manifest Good Fortune

Updated: Apr 1, 2019

Beautiful sketch of a redheaded woman sitting in nature.

Goodbye to March! A mix of Pisces the sign of intuition and going with the flow, and Aries… fast, nearly out of control, but a pioneer to say the least. With a combination of intuitive dreams, a light shining in your creative sector and the Mars ruled sign, telling you to kick it into action, you're sure to be able to make things happen in March.

With that, we come upon our topic of the month. With so much happening, like creative hunches being given to you and action taking foot in places where you never thought was possible; it's important to take it upon yourself to create a space of GRATITUDE. This is perhaps the most IMPORTANT step to making all of these dreams come true, and without gratitude, you're sure to lose sight of your path and forget how far you've really come.

So, that being said, there are many ways to practice gratitude, and no way is better than the other. BUT, if you're lacking ideas of how to get started, no worries, we're here to provide! Here are THREE ways to start a simple gratitude practice, helping you become more aware of how far you've come, and to get you to where you are going!

1. Gratitude Journal

Every day if possible, I crack open a journal that says "grateful, thankful, blessed" on the front. Of course, yours doesn't have to say this, or maybe you can even write it yourself, but regardless, have a journal dedicated to gratitude. Date each entry so you know when you've been slacking, list 10 things a day, even if it takes you awhile, and when you feel low take a moment to skim over your journal.

This practice helps us to realize what we have, whether it's a sunny day, or getting a new job. The little and big things all count in a gratitude journal and help us to improve our outlook. You can also use the journal to manifest luck!

Writing out what we're grateful for invites more of that energy in because we're telling the Universe/Source/God "yes, I notice what you’re doing things for me and I'm grateful for it". In our day to day life, if someone gives us something, and they realize that we are truly grateful for it and appreciate their effort, then most likely they're going to want to give to us again. Our Universe acts the same, but the only difference is, the giving is limitless.

2. Say a Little Prayer

You may not believe in God, but believe that something is watching over you. Whatever that thing is, pray to it. Preferably in the morning, when you're just waking up. Thank that energy for your family, your friends, the people who love and care for you and the ones that you love and care for. Wish them well, wish them love, wish them success. Be thankful for them. Pray for yourself, your healing, your ability to heal others, your success and the will to follow the path that was designed for you by God. Pray for your intuition and your strength to make the right decisions.

Having a connection and Gratitude to the Creator is such a huge power. Think about it, someone created ALL of this, they can definitely create a great life for you being that they have that amount of power. Pray to them, thank them, ask them for help.

3. Take Care of Your Body

A sure way to tell God that you're thankful is by taking care of yourself. It's hard to convince anyone that you're deserving of… frankly anything if you don't even respect your own body.

Exercise a little every morning, 10 minutes, 15 minutes. Eat your fruits and vegetables, drink water and avoid feeding your body junk. We are designed to take in what was provided by nature. You want to be ready for whatever is thrown at you. You don't want to have health issues that will throw you off course when your blessings come. You want to be in tip top shape both mentally and physically when what you want to manifest finally comes. Be aware that the Universe is also aware of when you're ready for your blessing. So as the saying goes, "stay ready so you don't have to get ready".

Gratitude is more important to the manifestation process than the actual intention setting itself because the universe already knows what's best for you. You have to be willing to show it that you're ready for your manifestation and allow your actions and words speak for you.

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