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How Yoga Benefits Your Sex Life

Woman sitting in front of intimate pose.

Yoga and sex are ways to you to connect with your body. Yoga is a way to connect with yourself, and sex is a way to connect with yourself and your sexual partner. Yoga teaches us to respect our bodies and encourages us to learn what feels good. If we know our bodies better, it is easier for us to let our partners in what our bodies need as well. Below are 5 ways that yoga improves our sex lives that will get you on the mat and in the bedroom in no time.


This is an obvious one, but still so important. A consistent yoga practice makes us more flexible, both mentally and physically. You want to feel comfortable while having sex and not feel like your going to pull a muscle right? Also you want to be open minded in order to keep things fresh. This practice allows the muscles to lengthen and creates space in places that would otherwise be tight, therefore making sex a lot more enjoyable and a lot less painful. While becoming flexible in our bodies, the mind also becomes more flexible as well. This allows room for more experimentation in positions.

Stamina through Breathing

To have a healthy sex life, you must be able to have endurance. Yoga teaches us the power of our breath while we use our body weight to strengthen and condition our bodies. All of the breath work in yoga can transfer into your sexual encounters. By continuing to have a steady breath, you have endurance all the way through.

Body Awareness

Being comfortable with your body is so important with your sex life. Other wise you’ll be focused on what’s wrong with your body rather than what’s right about the sex that you’re having. This can relate to how yoga tones the body, knowing your own body and the satisfaction of knowing you’re taking care of your body. Yoga highlights body awareness and the more awareness we have with our bodies,the more comfortable and accepting we can be in our own skin.

White woman and black male doing yoga together.

Emotional Bond

Yoga opens chambers in our mind and spirit that makes us more open minded, caring and giving. We respect ourselves more when we take of ourselves which will make us more likely to have a caring partner. In exchange, yoga also makes us more caring to our partners. Having an emotional bond is important for us to understand the person we are having sex with. This makes us likely to give more to our partners, wanting to make them feel good about themselves as much as we want to feel good about ourselves. It’s all about karma right?

Big Improvement For women over 45

Imagine not stretching your body in years and then finally giving your body the attention that it needs. If you think about it, many people aren’t stretching regularly outside of yoga, unless it’s after a workout. Therefore, you can only imagine how much better your body would feel after stretching it in God knows how long. A study done by The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that 75% of women over 45 had an improvement in their sex lives after a 12 week period of doing yoga. The areas of improvement were seen in, “arousal, lubrication, desire, satisfaction, orgasm and pain”.

Yoga Poses That Will Improve your Sex Life

Butterfly pose: Butterfly is when you sit with the bottoms of your feet pressed together and allow your knees to fall out to the sides. Butterfly will help kick your sex life up a notch by providing more flexibility to your hips. For men and woman, a lot of sexual positions require some sort of hip flexibility. Also, the hips carry our emotions, so they tend to be tight. Releasing the hips can help the entire body feel more flexible and open us up emotionally.

Standing forward fold: Start by standing straight and then hinging at the hips to allow the body to fold in half. Bend your knees so that you are stretching your back and the back of your legs at the same time. Grab your elbows and rock side to side to allow the back to release even more.

This pose stretches your hamstrings and back which allows for more fluid movement in your sex life. Looser hamstrings allow for more bending and reaching, and as far as the back goes, who really wants to throw out their back during sex? No one. So, take care of it.

Cobra and/or Upward Facing Dog:

This pose is a heart opener, meaning that it opens your heart by opening your chest. This pose helps with posture and helps relax the shoulders while also helping with upper body strength. Nothing is better than feeling strong during sex and looking confident by improving your posture. Start by laying on your belly and placing you hands palms down along the sides of your upper rib cage. For baby cobra press into the hands and lift your chest off the of the ground slightly. If your back is a bit more flexible, begin to straighten your arms more and more until you feel you’re right before you edge. For upward dog, straighten your arms completely and engage your core to lift your knees off the ground. Breath deeply in Cobra/Upward Dog and try to hold for 2 to 3 breaths each time. Do this pose in reps and gradually straighten your arms a little more each time.

So, what are you waiting for? Yoga plus a happy sex life can solve a whole lot of problems, or at least give you a better outlook on them. So why not pair them up to create an overall improvement in your life!

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