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My Wondrous Journey Through a Hindu Temple

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

Indian Man practicing Hindu.

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting a local Hindu temple and I felt the overwhelming need to share my experience with you. If only to lend some insight to the wonders of Hinduism and hopefully inspire you to open your mind even more to the omnipotent Divine forces that are all around us.

The temple I visited was dedicated to Lord Ganesha, one of the five primary deities in Hinduism. Depicted as an elephant-type god with a curved trunk and large ears, he is the god of success, the destroyer of obstacles and evil. He is also revered for his bestowing of education, wisdom, wealth and knowledge to followers of the faith.

My experience was interesting and eye-opening as I loved how Hinduism is flexible in the individual's perception of the divine source can take the aspect you associate with best. Though my visit did start out a little bumpy as I missed the shoe rack when I first walked in. Oops! I was walking around in my shoes until a woman approached me and corrected my mistake. Even those of us who are spiritually connected can make blunders in holy temples.

I was in 'student-mode' as I wanted to take in all the temple had to offer. There were 11 altars altogether, decorated in beautiful flowers placed all around the bronze and gold statues. People came in, performed their prayers and left. I watched the procession with an open mind, observing everything. The pujari (temple priests) welcomed visitors, gave offerings, cleaned and interacted with the idols.

The more I observed, the more deeply connected I felt. While the temple was dedicated to Lord Ganesha for whom I have the utmost respect, I could feel Durga present as well. She is known as the supreme goddess in Shaktism, the ultimate protector. I try to connect with her daily as she represents the highest feminine divinity and her presence was definitely felt in the temple.

The energy felt old, or maybe I felt young in the presence of such power. I felt like there was so much I didn't know and yet so connected. Thousands, even millions of people have worshiped these deities for over two millenia. Not just because of the lore and power within them but because of the characteristics the Gods mirror in the followers. It's incredible. The goddess Durgapur is like looking into the future for me, her power flows so strongly yet tempered with wisdom. I aspire to become that everyday, balancing the yearning for wisdom with the desire for power.

I hope my journey has offered some insight to this beautiful, awe inspiring religion. Though I find it less like a religion and more like a spiritual path to the divine. There is a definite strong connection between science and astrology, all intertwined with spirituality that I find amazing. I plan to visit the temple and pay my respects monthly, without my shoes on.

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