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April 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

Gemini woman

Mercury Retrograde is finally over. It went direct on March 28th and hopefully any confusion went direct with it too. Are you finally sure you don’t want to go back to the ex? We hope so, because let’s be honest, they’re an ex for a reason. Out with the old and in with the new, as the season changes, we do too. So, let’s talk about what’s presently coming into our lives with this month horoscopes.


For half of the month, the Sun is in your sign. This is an awesome time to get new projects up and running, because all eyes will be on you. Our zodiac month usually is filled with excitement and a refreshing feel, so use this as an advantage to give you a kick start to propel you forward. On top of the Sun being in your sign this month, you’ll also be greeted by a New Moon in Aries on April 5th. Talk about perfect timing! Figure out what it is you want to do. On the 5th take time to journal and plan out how get started while the power is yours.


At the end of the month, your time begins, so what do you do up until then? You cut down on spending and save for that extravagant birthday celebration. You focus on the things that make you feel good, like healthy eating, exercising and work.. yes work. If you’re a Taurus, you get it. It’s time to rest away from friends and family in order to entertain and be entertained during your birthday season. This is a great time for new employment. Your season is coming and so are opportunities.


Gemini your life is building. You feel a new sense of self and want to meet people that coincide with your new feelings. You’re seeing things differently, so take some moments to reflect on what has changed and what you still would like to see change in your own life. Be clear about who you are so you can start to match your new perspective with your lifestyle. From now until July 15th your values may be morphing into something new. Mutable Air can flow with the changes, so enjoy the journey.


Your work life will be highlighted this month. You may have felt like your income has been steady and working has become easier. A bit overwhelming and busy, but still easier. Now you’re thinking. You’re getting the recognition you deserve and you’re wondering how to use this to your advantage. And Cancer, you CAN use this to your advantage. Come up with a plan about the next big step for you. Once you decide, set your sights and create a schedule to achieve that big step. Before you get started, take a moment to review who you are spending your time with? Are you around people who will inspire you to keep your new schedule or with people who will distract you from your plan? Choose wisely.

Leo woman


Leo, it’s the time to be open to suggestion. With the sun in Aries (King and Queens of new ideas) it’s a great time to use that energy for your benefit. Unlike Aries who come up with ideas and need help developing, Leo has a “do it myself” drive that makes it easy for you to carry out plans. Clear out the old energy that has left you stuck. You may have recently left an old situation and are ready to start with a new one. Before starting, get some inspiration. Travel, go on new adventures, try new foods, just make everything feel new. Something will spark and push you towards a new way. This is a great time to set the big goals, the long-term ones.


In the season of new; new season, new temperatures, new zodiac year, it’s time for something new to happen for all of us. Especially Virgo. Not only will work pick up where you’ll have to be quicker rather than perfect, but also, you’re love life will pick up. Expect some legal matters to arise as well. Then, you’ll have time to relax, or more so, we beg you to relax at the end of the month. Better yet, allow people to help you during this busy time and don’t try to handle it on your own. It will save you the exhaustion and increase your trust in people.


Did you recently have an artistic pursuit that was put aside? It’s time to pick that back up again Libra. You’ve had time to give it a rest and build up creative energy. The ideas will flow, especially when the Sun reaches Taurus, you Venusian twin. This sensual, beauty planet will add that special touch that you were waiting for.


Health, Health, Health. That is your highlight of the month. What have you been overdoing, food, alcohol, cigarettes? It’s time to get a handle on it. You need to be in tip top shape for all the good fortune that Uranus in Taurus (your opposite sign) plans to bring to you. You need to be in the right mindset to receive the best opportunities. Scorpio is a lot more agreeable and accepting when they’re healthy.

Three golden arrows


Energy be with you! April is a time for Sag to story tell, mingle, work the crowd and make others gravitate towards you. Last month was a bit of a drag, but towards the end you started feeling better. Now it’s time to get out and reveal the new, rested you that is ready to be social again.


Home life. Do I stay, do I move, do I redecorate? These are the questions in your mind now. What will you do to make your home an oasis? Decide on your next step. Focus on your family as well. What relationships have been on edge the last few months. What needs to be said to bring you all back into good graces. It’s time to reengage with a family member that may have fallen to the wayside. Don’t keep pushing it off. It’ll make things much better knowing that the tension is dead.


You’re going through changes. You either want to change careers or change positions within your company. You feel as though you have outgrown your job and don’t have room to keep growing. What can you do to fulfill this desire? Maybe start something on the side before choosing to leave the stability. That way you can learn what you like, how to get your new stream of money coming in and what you feel comfortable doing, before taking a big leap you may regret if you lack proper planning.

Koi fish in pond


Fire and then Earth energy after your birthday season can feel a bit uneasy. First things start to move forward, requiring quick action. Then when the Sun moves into Taurus, is makes you feel like things came to a screeching halt. This is okay! Your go with the flow energy, then transformed into go go go, later followed by, an earthy Taurus influenced time of logical revisions. Things are good Pisces, but fast. It should all calm down at the end of the month and you’ll feel good about what you accomplished.

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