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Do You Know the Remarkable Truth About Aquarius?

Aquarius Zodia Sign

Understanding zodiac signs and there relationships to others is a complicated art and science. Some critics may say that is it all 'hoo-doo' but there always seems to be veritable grains of truth in each description of the sun signs. Star charts as a whole have so many factors in them, to say someone is an Aquarius or Leo is just the tip of the iceberg when understanding all the components of their chart. I want to shed some light, step by step, for you to understand how different signs relate to one another.

First, it is essential for you to know what the characteristics of an Aquarius are, then we can move on to the other signs. If you were born between January 20th and February 18th, you fall into the sun sign of Aquarius. Humanitarians to the core, Aquarius are a broad minded and creative bunch. The have an uncanny ability for honesty and speaking frankly, almost to the point of hurtful insensitivity. They are curious and affectionate, often seeking the truth in all situations.

Aquarius do not open up easily so when one does open their heart to you, it is a great gift. Being an Air sign, they are sometimes detached and and unpredictable, like the wind. So what does this mean in relation to the other signs?


Other Air Signs

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th) is a fellow Air sign. When in connection with Aquarius, it can be an incredible mental connection. They feed off one another's passion for truth and knowledge, whether friends or lovers. In a love relationship, it can be a long lasting one provided the two care for each others emotional needs. As both can be unpredictable, this may be a challenge for the two signs.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd) is also an air sign and therefore similar to Aquarius. The likelihood of these two connecting is high and it will happen fast and furious. The two will become fast friends or fall in love after a few dates. Sadly, the break-up could be just as fast unless they take the time to appreciate one another's individuality.

When Aquarius connects with another Aquarius, things can sizzle. The friendship of two Aquarius is one of mutual respect and extremely liberating. Without mutual respect and a deep emotional connection (remember that whole thing about not opening up easily?), it won't last long.


Aquarius and Fire Signs

The neat thing about Aquarius is that Air is essential to all elements and necessary for all life to exist. Air is essential for Fire to exist. Both Aries (March 21st – April 19th) and Aquarius have a lot of energy and together can fuel one another's creativity and excitement for life. As friends, they will enjoy adventures and the air and fire will catch on like a fast burning blaze. As lovers, they can be very passionate but if they don't show enough emotions i.e. let the other feel loved, it could be a short lived romance.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd) is a powerful Fire sign, a true leader, the King; coupled with Aquarius, the one who wants to take down the king... and you get explosive passion. They say opposites attract and these two prove it. Aquarius will give the Leo a fight like no other, engaging and exciting, together these two can make miracles happen.

When Aquarius and Sagittarius (November 22nd – Decmber 21st) get together, you have a pair searching for higher truths. Sagittarius values freedom, as does Aquarius. The challenge with these two is how Aquarius rebukes change and Sagittarius embraces and seeks it. If the Sagittarius can break through the shell of the Aquarian and share their true self, the relationship could be more than just a passing friendship.


Aquarius and Water Signs

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th) is deeply connected to Aquarius because of the god Neptune. Aquarius honors him and Neptune rules Pisces, who also is seeking true love. Pisces is a dreamer and desires love while the Aquarius is detached. If these two can overcome their juxtaposing positions, they could make a good team.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd) is a very closed sign, similar to Aquarius. Cancer can be distant while Aquarius remains detached, one is mutable and the other fixed. These two really don't pair well together because they aren't just opposites, they are the antithesis of the other. If you find yourself on one side of this pair, the best thing you can do is try to understand where your friend or partner is coming from and try to respect it.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st) and Aquarius are the combination of water and air, emotion and information. Scorpio is very passionate and fixed, these two together can have a very deep connection. But if there is a rift, the affection could turn to hate easily since these two dance on a fine line between love and hate.


Aquarius and Earth Signs

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th) is a grounded, steadfast Earth sign and therefore slow and methodical. A traditionalist, Capricorn does share some similarities with Aquarius but the pace of life is very different. Aquarius is quick and speedy, like the element of Air so the two should at best keep a healthy respect and distance from one another.

Taurus (April 20th – May 20th) is dependable, nurturing and wise which can grate on an Aquarius' freedom loving nature. Taurus finds happiness in holding tight to what surrounds them while Aquarius is more changing and looking for interesting adventures. These two do not do well together.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd) is a flexible, helpful and stable Earth sign, and while both Aquarius and Virgo are intellectuals, they are like oil and water when mixed. Aquarius is spontaneous and Virgo is anything but... it's like pairing a control freak and master of chaos. Just don't do it.

As I mentioned before, there are many things that can impact someone's birth chart and only a part of it is their sun sign. So before you swear off any friendships or relationships because they don't seem compatible with you, dig a little deeper because you never know what you may find when you peel back a layer or two.

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