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April 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Mercury Retrograde is finally over. It went direct on March 28th and hopefully any confusion went direct with it too. Are you finally...

The Evolution of Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tibet is famous for its towering peaks, Buddhist monasteries, and the caring and genuine nature of Tibetan natives. One of Tibet’s most...

Introduction to Astrology

Astrology is widely known around the world. We hear about it in songs, when people mention the Mercury Retrograde, we get asked about it...

Curanderismo: Therapy for the Soul

If you are one of the millions of people living in western society, you were probably taught by modern medicine that healing the body is...

Yoga for Each Zodiac Sign

Yoga Is in! Transforming body, mind and spirit all around the world. Opening channels of awareness within ourselves and the world as we...

Manifest Luck In 7 Easy Steps

This St. Patrick's Day, you don't have to be Irish to gather up luck - or even a pot of gold for that matter! No matter how many good...

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